I bet you never knew that zebra skins have a lot more uses than just being rugs for your living room. If you want to find out how versatile this decorative material is, you should make it a point to read this article. We will try to show you what other uses you can have for zebra rugs so that you would not have to spend so much on additional decorations for your house any longer.
- Chairs and Bench Upholstery
- Curtain Patterns
- Footstools
- Zebra Pillow Cases
- Using It On Your Couch
Who says that you can’t use zebra patterns on your couch as well? Yes it may be unprecedented because of the possible vast amounts of its zebra skins that you can and will definitely use for the sofa, however, there’s no harm in trying right? If you succeed, you will be one of the few people who will be able to do it in the future.
- Splurging On the Zebra Theme
Instead of focusing on only one furniture to cover with zebra skin, why not do the whole room itself? If you have money to spare and are fond of experimenting, as mentioned earlier, then this opportunity is the one that you have been looking for. It will give you a chance to see how some patterns may make the zebra skins stand out or blend in as the case may be. Whenever it is that you would want to do, the most important thing is that you would be willing to experiment and that you will not be afraid to start from scratch all over again if possible.
A Tool for Improvement
Using it as part of your fantasy island design can also give you the opportunity to be one with nature. If you are a nature lover, having a zebra skin rug in your own living room or in any other part of your house will definitely give you an opportunity to walk on the wild side so to speak. It will give your living room an edge over all the other rooms inside the house because of their unique patterns that you will have to use on one particular room just to match your overall design concept. So if I were you, I will definitely give this one shot in terms of utilizing the colors and patterns that zebra rugs will provide for you. So what are you waiting for it, go ahead and use your zebra rug as an alternative for your bedspreads or curtains. It will definitely give you something to look forward to every day.