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6 Alternative Uses for Zebra Rugs

Do you have that urge to go beyond the basic, to push forth the original use of something you've had in a long time? If you have an old zebra hide rug that you want to turn into something other than a gorgeous floor décor in your living room or bedroom, you're in luck! We have collated a couple of alternative uses for your good ol zebra rug permitting that you bought an excellent one, and it's still in almost mint condition, of course.

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Ryan Korban and His Love Affair with Zebra Rug

The zebra hide rug has, in a way, become Ryan Korban's trademark. He has placed not one but two zebra rugs in fashion designer Alexander Wang's TriBeCa loft! The monochromed unit, which Korban designed, is an assemblage of rich textures from fine leather to exquisite fur. He has mastered the art of combining textures in a very admirable manner. The merger of various textures slays the ennui of a single color. It makes the whole place look aesthetically attractive, and in Korban's description of the famous fashion maven's place, sexy.

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Integrating a Zebra Rug Into 7 Different Interior Themes

Buying a décor for one's home is not only about ergonomics or high quality anymore; versatility is one of the key main factors that smart patrons look for. Zebra rug is embodied with that element along with a great design, functionality, and superior condition. For years, the zebra rug has proven its capability to be incorporated in different interior design themes. It is not just included in the theme; it blended perfectly with it. Below are seven various interior styles that the zebra rug made more fascinating.

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How Many Zebra Species are There?

While many people believe there to be only one species of Zebra, in reality we actually have over five. At Outsourcesol, we supply hides acquired from the Burchell breed. This is the most common type of Zebra found in the eastern and southern parts of Africa. Due to their high population and overgrazing, wildlife programs conduct conservation culling so as to control these high numbers. Below we have created an infographic that explains the history and background of the Burchell Zebra. Want to share your thoughts? Please comment below and don't forget to share on your favorite social media account.

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6 Envy-Worthy Bookcase Ideas for Your Home

Despite the aggrandizement of e-readers, many still favor the good old hard-copy books. If you are part of the latter, you know that having a huge enough bookcase to house your collection is paramount. In most homes, bookshelves serve a purpose beyond their original function; they are also considered a form of décor. To be surrounded by books is a bibliophile’s solace. Creating a cerebral oasis at home doesn’t have to be grand all the time, unless you are Walker Digital’s chairman, Jay Walker. It’s 3,600 square feet, and has the original Sputnik 1 and a model of NASA’s X-29 aside from the gazillion books!  Impeccably styled bookshelves are more than enough for our precious copies. A reading room amidst the woods...

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